Saturday, 26 October 2013

My Route 66 Tips. Peterbrownroute66

This is only my opinion which you may find helpful if you are planning a similar trip.


I have read many blogs from people who have planned there route or just hit the road and picked up Route 66 as they went along. I would defininatley recommend you have some form of plan as it is very easy to miss out many of the sights that Route 66 has to offer.

If anyone would like a copy of my excell spread sheet then email me on you can then amend it as necessary to adapt to your own time table and tailor it to suite what you want to see


How long to allow

People we have spoken to on-route who have allowed two weeks have said some days they have been checking into there rooms when's it's dark and have also skipped some of the old sections to make up time, I would therefore recommend if circumstances permitted give yourself 3 weeks.


The road and signs

The quality of Route 66 was far better than we had expected as long as you take it steady and keep an eye out for the odd pothole. With care you could even navigate some of the dirt tracks with ease. The biggest difficulty I found was if you stopped and lean your bike to get the kick stand down your foot was slipping against the weight of the bike, so I didn't stop very often on gravel.

You couldn't navigate with the Route 66 signs but they were always nice to see along the way to assure you that you were on the right road





We wouldn't take as many clothes next time as it's nice to buy from the local shops to help them survive, and also most hotels have guest laundry facilities.

Packing old undies and socks and T shirts was brill, as you could ditch them after to make way for other items you have bought.

Pam bought some Sure 48 hr deodorant which is brilliant. There have been some sticky moments with the bike with one thing and another but we have never humdinged once.

I use contact lenses when riding and also took some bike glasses with a prescription lense at the back which I did use a lot as some of the roads were dusty and struggled with the contacts a few times

Hi vis waiste coats were very good as you were definitely were seen when on and off the bike which is helpful for the not so careful car and truck drivers.







I'm glad we didn't pre-book our hotels as this would have caused major problems during our trip, however we did start to pre-book a couple of days before especially running up to weekends so you didn't waste any time like we did at Chicago trying to find a hotel when there was some special conference on




Tom Tom was top of my list with a hard copy of my itinery, I would also look at the Jerry McClanahan EZ66 Guide before setting off each morning.

Phone, camera, and iPad.

I would recommend buying a cheap phone in the USA which we certainly used most days





Tools and cleaning gear

I packed a small amount of tools and only used the Cable ties when the kick stand broke and spanner and screw driver for re-connecting the battery, I didn't do any polishing but just did a few quick washes now and then to keep her looking respectable.




Bike clothing

You need to bear in mind that you will be wearing your gear all day

During the riding day and casual use at night I wore karimor trainers which were brill. And for wet weather I brought hunters Roll up Wellingtons which are compact and waterproof not like the so called moterbike boots. Only used them twice but are essential.

I took my touring jacket which kept us cool and a pair of Aldi walking pants, not so good if you fall off but I don't think I could have worn my touring pants for 7 weeks. I also took 3 pairs of gloves but only used my fingerless and leather ones ( didn't need my winter gloves )



Bertha has arrived home today and that's what you call great service from James Cargo, to be able to drop off the bike in Los Angeles and then to be delivered to your door. It was a good job as the battery was flat as a pancake so I just free wheeled her down the drive and into the garage. She's now been washed and polished and put to bed for the winter


Door to door service

Washed and polished


All ready for the next adventure





1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you are home safe. We saw the bad weather hitting London yesterday. Hope you got through that. I just put together my photo album. Love to see your DVD. We are already looking at where to go next!