Sunday 15 September 2013

Week 2 peterbrownroute66

Sunday 15.09.13 peterbrownroute66

Not much to report today as we are heading to Milwaukee via Detroit, but on route we have been advised it can can be a bit rough so have decided to stop at Windsor which is still in Canada but on the other side of the river. The roads today have been very good and fast flowing but cars and wagons seem to over take and under take which seems to be the norm here. I have just booked our ferry tickets for tomorrow so we will have a dead line to meet.

Peterbrownroute66 on route to Canada
We passed London now heading for Windsor


Peterbrownroute66 with Detroit in the background
Detroit in the background







Peterbrownroute66 at Windsor Canada
View from our window is not a patch on yesterday


Monday 16.09.13 peterbrownroute66

It's been a very long day we set off early this morning to get a good start but got the interigation crossing back into America. That sorted we rode through the state of Michigan up to Muskegon to catch our ferry across to Milwaukee which is in the state of Wisconsin. I didn't realise how big Lake Michigan was its 307 miles long x 118 miles wide and took 21/2hrs to cross, by the time we got to the hotel it was going on for 9.00pm fortunately we had gone through a time zone so we gained 1 hr ( now 6hrs behind Uk ).


Peterbrownroute66 crossing border into the USA
Bridge that spans the two countries


Peterbrownroute66 at border control
Boarder control ( good job they didn't see us taking pictures or else we would have been locked up


Peterbrownroute66 catching the ferry to Milwaukee
Boarding the ferry at Muskegon


It was like being on a speed boat





Tuesday 17.09.13 peterbrownroute66

Well where shall I start its been a day of two halves, ( started off well then major disaster ). We will start with the good bit. Had a fabulous morning visiting the Harley Davidson museum, and would recommend it to anyone who happens to be visiting Milwaukee, there must be millions of pounds worth bikes and that's not to mention the ones they don't have on display I've already got my eye on my next bike.


Peterbrownroute66 at Harley Davidson museum
Serial 001 off the production line in 1903
Peterbrownroute66 at Harley Davidson museum
The 1918 model with sidecar cost an additional $90
Peterbrownroute66 at Harley Davidson museum
2002 sportster
Peterbrownroute66 at Harley Davidson museum
This bike was in the tsunami in Japan and got washed up 4000 miles away in Canada


Peterbrownroute66 at Harley Davidson museum
My next bike


Peterbrownroute66 at Harley Davidson museum


Peterbrownroute66 at Harley Davidson museum
I think this bike belonged to Liberace


Peterbrownroute66 at Harley Davidson museum
This Duo glide was made the year I was born


Peterbrownroute66 at Harley Davidson museum
Pam fancies this one


Now for the disaster. We had no sooner left the museum and I heard a knocking and thought it was something working loose, then a little later the oil light came on and oil pressure dropped to zero, but by then we were on the busy freeway and had to stop on the hard shoulder. Active action plan, phone breakdown cover oops unable to contact via uk mobile. Waited ages then a couple of highway repair men came and were a god send, they even arranged for the tow truck. Then the sheriff came and offered help, and 30mins later Al from Apple Towing Ltd arrived to rescue us ( a brill guy ). It was then a 30min drive to Milwaukee Harley Davidson. The guys there were fabulous and got straight to work, but it wasn't to long before they gave me the bad news. The oil pump had failed causing metal parts to break up and do major damage to the crank shaft, so it looks like Bertha will be in hospital for a few days.


Peterbrownroute66 at Harley Davidson museum
Leaving the museum and everything was fine


Peterbrownroute66 broken down on freeway
These two guys were brilliant


Peterbrownroute66 with sheriff at Milwaukee
He was going to give us a ticket for parking on the hard shoulder


Peterbrownroute66 being towed off freeway
Apple tow trucks to the rescue


Peterbrownroute66 being towed off freeway
Big Al was great and did us a good deal and was very grateful for his help


Peterbrownroute66 at Harley Milwaukee
Now it's all down to these guys to get us back on the road




Peterbrownroute66 big engine problems
Oo'h this looks expensive


Plan B:- Not to spoil our adventure I've hired another bike and will continue our trip to Chicago while the Harley doctors make her better. If its not fixed plan c will come in, "only problem is I don't have one".

Peterbrownroute66 picking up rental bike
Looking good as plan B kicks into action


Wednesday 18.09.13 peterbrownroute66

Had a good ride down to Chicago. O'h that reminds me I need to pay the fine over the internet for taking the fast lane through the toll booth. I blame Jane ( that's Tom Tom Jane ) she told me to keep left and when I realised it was to late. I admitted the felony at the other end and the guy in the booth said if I don't pay within 3 days the sheriff will come after us.

Now checked into our hotel and have had a good afternoon sight seeing but have more planned for tomorrow.



Peterbrownroute66 on route to Chicago
Just leaving Milwaukee


Peterbrownroute66 with Chicago in background
Chicago in the background
Peterbrownroute66 in Chicago
The metal structure above is the elevated train track


Peterbrownroute66 at grant park
Buckingham fountain at Grant Park



Peterbrownroute66 at Buckingham fountain
Another shot of Buckingham fountain


Bike update

There's been alot of emailing to and from the UK and I've now had an update on the bike and its not looking good. Another new engine has been ordered and have been advised it may take 7 to 10 days to arrive ( my very very best mate Dave, I hope he's reading this said he would try his best to get it sooner ). Dave has had to do a lot of bullying and it looks like Harley Davidson will now replace it under warranty.

We are just in the middle of a mega thunder storm so have ordered a pizza delivery to the room


Thursday 19.09.13 peterbrownroute66

Had a brilliant day and like New York, Chicago has exceeded our expectations. We thought we were going to be in for a wet day but the clouds started to clear and even had some sunshine. We went to the Chicago Tribune Tower which is of neogothic design completed in 1925, and incorporates stones from other historical sites around the world into the facade of the building. Then it was off to millennium park to look at the waterfall which has faces that move or cascading streams running through ( pictures don't do it justice ). Then went to the giant bean which was brilliant for photos. The highlight of the day was a trip up Willis Tower which was the tallest structure in the world for over 20 years. We shot up to the 103th floor in 60 seconds, but the hard bit then was to take the leap of faith onto a piece of glass with nothing below.


Peterbrownroute66 at Chicago tribune tower
Chicago Tribune Tower
Peterbrownroute66 old stone in tribune building facade
Stones from Westminster Abbey & Scotland


Peterbrownroute66 at Millennium park
The water cascades from the top his facial expressions change as well


Peterbrownroute66 peanut at the millennium park Chicago
The polished steel bean was fantastic


Peterbrownroute66 peanut at the millennium park Chicago


Peterbrownroute66 peanut at the millennium park Chicago
View from inside can you see us


Peterbrownroute66 peanut at Willis Tower Chicago



Peterbrownroute66 peanut at the millennium park Chicago
You feel that you are actually standing on the edge



Peterbrownroute66 peanut at the millennium park Chicago
The clouds were whizzing by


Action Plan B is now sorted

We will continue with our trip but go no further that St Louis ( that puts us just under 400miles from Milwaukee via the freeway which we will have to do in one day )

Route 66 blog

Friday 20.09.13 peterbrownroute66. Get Your Kicks On Route 66

Well we're off but we did cheat a little bit and took the fast route to get out of Chicago. Our 1st stop was at Willmington to see the Gemini Giant, and then it was off to Gardner to visit the old jail house and street car. Next stop was Dwight which was a lovely little town with plenty to see. We have now checked into our hotel in Pontiac. After unpacking we went back into the town to visit the museums. We met two large tour groups on bikes and I'm so glad we are doing our own thing. Up to now I'm pleased with programming of Jane and she seems to be behaving herself, also the roads are well signed ( up to now anyway )


Peterbrownroute66 start of Route 66
This is where it all starts


Peterbrownroute66 peanut at Gemini Giant at Willmington
Gemini giant to attract travellers of Route 66 to stop for a drink


Peterbrownroute66 in jail at Dwight
Honest sheriff I paid the fine over the Internet


Peterbrownroute66 grain mill at Dwight
Beautiful grain tower in Dwight


Peterbrownroute66 filling station at Odell
Old filling station in Odell


Peterbrownroute66 at Pontiac museum
Pontiac museum was better than the Route 66 one













Peterbrownroute66 Pontiac mural
One of many murals in Pontiac

Peterbrownroute66 Pontiac murals
These look like proper shop fronts


Route 66 blog

Saturday 21.09.13 peterbrownroute66. Get Your Kicks On Route 66

Had a fab day riding Route 66 the sun was shining, radio on and with very little traffic on the road I was in the grove. I'm very pleased with the quality of the roads and signage in the state of Illinois, we have passed through Chenoa, Lexington, Towanda, Bloomington, Shirley, McLean, Atlanta, Lincoln, Williamsville, and now at Springfield. We have passed through miles of flat countryside with grain fields on both sides of the road.


Peterbrownroute66 dead end
Abandoned section of Route 66




Peterbrownroute66 Dixie truck stop
Dixie Truck Stop started as a sandwich shop in 1928


Peterbrownroute66 with the muffler man at Atlanta
Another giant called the Muffler Man



Peterbrownroute66 at Atlanta
The town of Atlanta was like stepping back in time


Peterbrownroute66 bill and sheas gas station
Old filling station at Williamsville


Peterbrownroute66 rubbing Lincoln nose
We were told rubbing the nose of Abraham Lincoln gives you good luck ( we need it )


Peterbrownroute66 Abraham Lincoln burst
Look at the shine on that now


Peterbrownroute66 Abraham Lincolns Tomb
Abraham Lincoln's Tomb



Peterbrownroute66 Abraham Lincoln's house
Abraham Lincoln's House in Springfield


The wholes street has been preserved with ones like this


That completes our week 2. Click on newer post on the bottom left to get to week 3

Don't forget to comment 1st please

Get your kicks on peterbrownroute66



sam brown the lurcher said...

Did they ask you where you had hidden the budgies? That is some lake!

sam brown the lurcher said...

P.s. what's the lake called,I am not very good at american geography

Unknown said...

Sorry about that

Lake Michigan is one of the five Great Lakes of North America and the only one located entirely within the United States. The other four Great Lakes are shared by the U.S. and Canada

sam brown the lurcher said...

you are up early

Unknown said...

How long were you interrogated for & why?

Unknown said...

Jo,they were looking for the budgies ,you are not allowed to take birds into the states

Unknown said...

I think I would leave that damn bike there,sorry for your bad news,and having trouble with the bike again. If it was me I would be tearing my hair out.what a shame when you were having such a fabulous time

Unknown said...

Oh no! What happens with your bike now? Will u get her back & continue in her or will u be on the hire bike now? Feel gutted for u :(

Pauline said...

Hi Peter and Pam

Not sure if my other message got posted ok, so I am sending you another one. Sorry to hear about the bike, that is bad news, but hopefully you will have it back in a couple of days. At least you are both ok, I was getting quite concerned when you said disaster struck. Looking forward to hearing more about your trip.

Take care
Pauline and Duncan

Unknown said...

Trust me Pauline, I get just as panicky as you when I see stuff like that too! Jo x

Unknown said...

The customs guy kept asking the same questions trying to trip us up ie, how much cash are you carrying, where have you been and why then where are you going and why. Either that our he had a bad case Alzheimer's

Unknown said...

That's my bloody dress mother....... ��
Keeping my fingers crossed dave sorts Bertha out xx

sam brown the lurcher said...

enjoying your blogs. had a free run on the beach yesterday only one other dog there. Boss fell backwards over a pile of seaweed.ha!ha! rolled about on my back laughing with my legs in the air.
no chance of such entertainment today rain rain.
look forward to your next blogs .

Unknown said...

Wow, those murals are amazing, they are almost as good as the graffiti on stalybridge canal. I was telling my customers about your blog & given some of them the link so you might get some comments off people you don't know (hope you don't mind) I have also been told the peanut is actually a bean, are you misinforming us xx

ferrari sam the lurcher said...

really enjoying your blogs,they would make a cracking book,you should really think about it
take care and enjoy yourselves

Unknown said...

Hi jo
Please pass link to who you want or they can type peterbrownroute66 in google and it should also come up also photos on the image tab
I stand corrected it is the bean and have altered it. I'm glad your taking note

Unknown said...

I've told loads of my customers, even Mrs Harrison & she has promised to take a look & write u a comment. It was her that told me it was a bean. I love reading the blog, I check it every day, I'm still in awe of the niagra falls, I can't believe it's at the side of a road, I was expecting it to be in the middle of nowhere. Any news on Bertha? Xxxx

ferrari sam the lurcher said...

it looks a lot more interesting than you would expect
i liked the murals and the old pontiac

Unknown said...

Sorry for delay, just got your blog off Pauline, looks like you are having an amazing time and seeing some fantastic places. Enjoy yourselves but take it easy and watch those pesky sheriffs.

All the best Gary and Marilyn

Unknown said...

Hi there bro
Glad your following us

Unknown said...

Nice article. I think it is useful and unique article. I love this kind of article and this kind of blog. I have enjoyed it very much. Thanks for your website.
Photo Booth Rental Detroit

Unknown said...

Thanks for your comment, we enjoyed every minute of the adventure and wish we could do it all over again